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I am so grateful that my path led me to Anna. I deeply believe she is living her purpose.

Her knowledge and energy is so valuable in helping others heal.

I recommend her so often to my clients, I wanted her information to be readily available for you here.


Meet Anna

I truly believe that health is the currency of life, and when we have our health we can achieve anything we want. When we eat well, sleep well and move a little we smile more, laugh more and connect more. What drew me to naturopathic medicine was it’s principles, especially the principle regarding the bodies ability to heal itself, given the proper conditions. I believe that this principle is what is at the core of everyone’s healing journey. I support my patients by teaching them about what their bodies are going through and why, and together we work on a plan to heal, encompassing their nutrition, their sleep, their lifestyle, and their mental health. When we are working on our health and healing, encompassing the body and mind, then we can give more to ourselves, and our relationships, and this is where we truly connect and truly heal.

-Dr. Anna D'Intino, ND

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